Q: I’m a returning customer. Is there any discount available for me at Scape Hotel Fethiye?
A: Absolutely! Scape Hotel Fethiye values its returning guests and offers a loyalty discount of 15%. Just let us know that you’ve stayed with us before, and we’ll apply the discount to your reservation.
Q: Are there any fun ways to earn a discount at Scape Hotel Fethiye?
A: Yes, for those looking for a unique way to save, check out our quiz at Scape Hotel Quiz. Successfully passing the quiz entitles you to a special discount. It’s a fun way to learn more about our hotel and save money at the same time!
Q: Can I get a discount by negotiating over the phone or asking via WhatsApp?
A: At Scape Hotel Fethiye, we strive to maintain transparency and fairness in our pricing. Therefore, we do not offer discounts through phone negotiations or requests made via WhatsApp messages.
Q: How can social media activity lead to discounts at Scape Hotel Fethiye?
A: If you write a Google review about your experience at Scape Hotel or share our website on your social media platforms, you are eligible for a 15% discount on your next stay. It’s our way of saying thank you for spreading the word!
Q: What if I recommend Scape Hotel Fethiye to a friend?
A: Recommending our hotel to your friends not only helps us but also benefits you. For every friend that books with us based on your recommendation, you’ll receive a 15% discount. Just make sure they mention your referral when they book.
Q: Are there any long-stay discounts available at Scape Hotel Fethiye?
A: Yes, guests planning a longer stay can benefit greatly. Book a stay for 1 week or longer and receive a 15% discount. For those staying for 1 month or more, we offer an even more generous 25% discount. It’s perfect for those who want to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of Fethiye.
At Scape Hotel Fethiye, we offer a variety of discounts to make your stay both memorable and affordable. Whether you’re a returning guest, taking part in hotel activities, sharing your experiences online, or planning an extended stay, we have attractive discounts to enhance your visit. Check out all the ways you can save and make the most of your trip to Fethiye!